I was born in 1949 in the state of Rio de Janeiro, in Paraíba do Sul, on the banks of the river of the same name. So I'm from Rio de Janeiro, a word that comes from the Latin Flumine , which means river. I moved to Três Rios at the age of six and, in this small town, seeing an advertisement for a tempting and beautiful ice cream sundae , which enchanted me for its color and beauty, I dreamed (even without knowing how I was going to do it) that I was there my destiny: working with colors and colored paper.
Then at nine, the family moved to Niterói.
There are several explanations about the meaning of Niterói in the Tupi language: “hiding water, winding port” and a real cold river ”.

After finishing in 1975 my university degree in Communication in Niterói, at Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), I moved to Rio de Janeiro, where (among other adventures) I had a graphic and digital arts office until 2012.
I also sailed from 1989 to 1993 by the banks of the Tietê river in São Paulo, by the Navigli channels in Milan, by the Thames in Greenwhich, by the Seine in Paris and by the dry Madrid.
For the past eight years I have been working with visual arts on the banks of the river (or something like a river) called Maracanã.

In conclusion, life took me on a riverside and winding path.
And as an observer of these passing waters, my main feeling (having witnessed the constant degradation of Brazilian environments, cities, and ecosystems) is one of heartbreak. This discomfort appears in my work, in the form of irony and frustration and, it is my main motivation as an artist.
Although, of course I am not limited in this pessimistic view, because my experience is full of tasty friends and loves, of good memories and joys, which I also try to express.