Born in Livingstone Zambia in 1973, Geoffrey Phiri obtained a Teacher's Diploma in Art from Evelyn Hone College in Lusaka, in 1997. Phiri holds a certificate in video production from Audio Visual Department of Technical Education and Vocational Training, Lusaka, obtained in 1998. He undertook an art administration study tour in Norway in 1999. Phiri served on the VAC management committee since 1997 and worked in the Documentation Centre at VAC in Lusaka.
Phiri’s body of works portray daily street encounters as experienced by local Zambians. Recognized and acknowledged in the artwork are references to peace and tranquility. A strong indication towards life beyond politics as witnessed by Zambians. Geoffrey Phiri’s work is collected locally and internationally with his most prominent series permanently on display at the renowned Chaminuka Collection. He currently lives and works in Lusaka Zambia.